Where to find Models for 3d Printing
Once you have a 3d printer, you’ll need some content to start printing. Here are a few repositories that have free and paid 3d models ready for 3d printing.
The largest 3d printing community resource, with tens of thousands of models, all free. Models frequently have comments on how well they printed, or pictures from actual 3d prints people have done.
Many models on the 3d printing outsourcer Shapeways are listed as downloadable by their creator. Some are full color, others are standard stl files.
Originally geared towards all 3d modeling, now some models are available as printable stls. TurboSquid hosts both free and paid models of varying quality.
A grab bag of models, including the ModiBot and dice models from creators also featured on Shapeways. Some repeated content from Thingiverse.
From D’Assault Systems, a CAD model repository, with many engineering part models submitted by users and actual part suppliers.
A marketplace of models available to print. Some overlap between Shapeways available prints and models, so you could buy the model here and print yourself instead of a higher price (and likely higher quality) from shapeways.
A U.S. Government sponsored 3d model repository. Some low polygon models that are not always printable.
Version control for 3d printable projects. Many projects are available for free through git.
Creators for parametric 3d models to make your own custom models. Once your model is created, you then can freely download once you create an account.
After Thingiverse removed their models, Defense Distributed created their own version of Thingiverse with 3d printable weapons parts featured. DefCad claims they will try to not censor any models on their site.
Many models of objects that have been scanned with a 3d scanner. Scans of skulls, bones, crystals, etc have been cleaned up to give high quality 3d models. Not all models are 3d printable, some are just raw meshes.
GrabCad has many CAD projects freely downloadable. Many of these models will need additional work before they are printable.
Purchasable gcode that corresponds to the models. The gcode currently only works for Makerbot Replicators and Cube 3d printers.
Downloadable models of sex toys. Most models are customized with a receptacle to fit the vibrator they sell through a partner site.
The Physible Category of torrent content has a sparse mix of 3d content freely available. Models focus on questionally legal items such as smoking products, firearm parts, and 3d printable records.
A model repository with models for sale. Some items are for laser cutters instead of 3d printers.
Polygon models users have contributed to Google Sketchup. Since they are mainly intended for google earth or virtual 3d programs, many models on Trimble need extra help before they manifold and ready to be 3d printed.
A smaller 3d model repository